Script Coverage is Your Best Test Run

You finished a script and you’re anxious to send it out, yet you are cautious and smart enough to realize you should get an expert opinion first. You want a critique where the only thing at stake is improving that script before you risk the submissions that count.

Script coverage is the absolute best way to prevent instant rejection of your script once it goes to industry producers or executives in a position to buy it.

It’s also a way to insure serious consideration once they actually start reading it.

With coverage you will know:

  • Your script weaknesses and strengths
  • The best way to pitch or promote your script
  • The corrections that can make a difference between a “pass” and a “recommend”.

You will have the notes and guidance from the coverage to correct the sloppy mistakes, plotting gaps, mediocre dialogue, poor characters, and other glaring problems that can explode your script out of the water before it even sets sail.

We like to call Script Coverage an insurance policy to better bulletproof your script before it goes out to battle.

Script Coverage Includes:

  • Detailed character notes on how to make them stronger
  • Story and structure analysis to improve plot and pacing
  • Dialogue evaluations to make it more distinctive and natural
  • Marketing advice to identify and promote your scripts’ greatest strengths
  • Customized insider guidance on your script from an industry pro who has done coverage for agents and studios and knows what they are looking for

Script Coverage Rates:

  • 30 minute script – $350

22-28 pages single spaced, 44-56 pages double spaced Additional pages $3 each single spaced, $1.50 each double spaced

  • 60 minute script – $400

44-56 pages single spaced, 88-112 pages double spaced Additional pages $3 each single spaced, $1.50 each double spaced

  • Feature script – $450

Any Length

Call us at 678-718-5133 to set up your script coverage


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